Arabian Horses are famous for their Characteristics and Temperament. These horses are One of the oldest recognizable horse breeds on the globe. The Arabian horse originated from desert tribes in Arabian Peninsula. The Arabian’s distinctive dished face and high tail. They have enormous eyes.
Physical Appearance
The Arabian horse breed can be a compact, relatively small horse with a small head, protruding eyes, wide nostrils, marked withers, and a short back. The horse’s average height concerns 15 hands (60 inches, or 152 cm). Its average weight ranges from (360 to 450 kg). It has strong legs and fine hooves. The coat, tail, and mane are of proper, silky hair. The Arabians are also famous for their high temperament. Although many assortments are possible inside the breed, gray prevails. The most famous stud farm is in Najd, Saudi Arabia.
Horse Care and Feeding
Arabian horses tend to do better when they are kept in larger barnyards. They cannot ever be confined to small stalls since their intelligence causes them to get bored. They may be very likely to develop nervous habits or “stable vices” when confined than other horses. Keeping them in a paddock along with other horses is perfect. You can also try to keep them occupied with objects. They could play with horse balls and traffic cones.
Horse Breed
The Arabian horses directly or indirectly contributed to many modern-day horse breeds. They vary from country to country. Today, these horses are being used in both English and Western riding. These horses are famous because of their physical appearance and intelligence. They are masters of strength in competitions. The Andalusian or Spanish Horse is often a light horse breed. The light horse is also known as a warm-blood or ‘hot-blooded’ horse. Light horse breeds generally weigh under 1,500 pounds.
More about Arabian Horses Characteristics :
- Arabian horses are intelligent, loyal and courageous, and sensitive creatures. They enjoy the attention.
- These horses see and smell better than humans.
- An adult horse’s brain weighs about 650 grams, about half the weight of an adult human’s brain.
- The Arabian horse considers being the foundation of all modern horse breeds.
- An Arabian horse breathes between 10 and 15 times a minute when resting.
- These horses are very sensitive. They can sense a fly landing on any part of their body. The skeleton of an Arabian horse is different from other horse breeds. It has 17 pairs of ribs, while the other has 18 and 5 vertebrae instead of 6.
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