The Secret Language Of Dogs To Communicate

Research shows that dogs have their own way to communicate with each other or with humans. Have you ever wished your dog could talk to you? Well, he does but not with words. You should need to understand the secret language of dogs to communicate.

Dog’s Body Language To Communicate

As a matter of fact, some typical signals dogs use to communicate by using their face, eyes, ears, lips, tongue, teeth and tail. Dog trainers understand these signals because of having close interaction with dogs on a daily basis. This communication can occur between dogs, or during dog-human interaction.

It’s a non-verbal form of communication whereby dogs can express emotions that help to communicate by body movements.

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Dogs Communicate by facial expressions

Every dog has unique facial features and facial expressions that give us an insight into a dog’s mind and feelings. Dogs communicate by wrinkling or straightening their foreheads that show confusion or determination. By the time, the owner learned by spending time with the dog that when and what signals dog gives.

Dogs show more facial expressions when they’re around humans than when they are with other dogs. Furthermore, they use face and body language to communicate like humans but dogs have four legs and a tail, their body language is very different from ours.

Wrinkles on dog's  forehead indicating confusion
Wrinkles on dog’s forehead indicating confusion

Dogs communicate by eyes:

Your dog’s eyes can tell us what he wants to convey. His eyes brighten when he considers a creature friendly but when he is afraid his pupil dilate and shows white of his eyes(sclera).

“Whale eye” means the white part of the eyes (the sclera) is visible. Eyes stay fixed on something. It usually appears in a half-moon shape either at the inner or outer side of the eye, but sometimes all around.

Also Read: From A Pet To Celebrity. Dogs Can Be Future Models

The whale eye is sometimes called a “half-moon eye. A dog exhibiting a whale eye is usually expressing anxiety, discomfort or even fearful. Further, an anxious dog is more likely to bite that’s why you should be aware of these signals. That’s how we can communicate with dogs by having knowledge about what their eyes tell us.

Whale eye appears in a half-moon shape in the sclera

Dogs communicate by lips, teeth, and tongue

When your dog is happy and he wants to play with humans around him then he pulls his lips back to show his teeth that appear to be a smile.

When dogs get warm they pant to cool down their body that causes evaporation. In the meantime, tongue hanging out for long periods of time is a sign of pure relaxation.

If a dog licks or flicks its tongue in and out in the air this shows that the dog is in stress. Dogs have sweat glands in their paws and use their tongues for body temperature regulation.

Dog is smiling
Dog is smiling

Dogs communicate by ears

Dog’s ears are not only used just for hearing rather their ears also tell us what and how they are feeling. Since we can’t speak the same language that’s why dogs use body language to communicate with us.

If a dog’s ears are raised this shows that he is listening. If ears are back this indicates might be signaling submission. Prior to communicating with dogs trainer should have knowledge about all these things.

focus on dog's ear to communicate properly
Dog using ears for listening

Dogs communicate by Tail

Different studies about the dog reveals how it feels when he wags its tail. If the tail wags more to the right which means positive feeling whereas if it is wagging towards the left that means negative feelings.

  • Tail held high and still, that symbolizes dominance and alertness.
  • Tail held high and wagging that shows alertness, thrilled and also showing dominance.
  • Tail held between the legs indicates nervousness or submission.
  • Tail held straight out indicates that the dog is taking in new information.
From left to right, Dogs tail high, wagging, and between legs

How Dogs Talk to Each Other

Dogs have non-verbal ways of communicating with us, including the use of paws to get a message across to their human companions or even to other animals. We simply need to learn how to understand those methods to communicate.

  • Paw slap: This is like a human coming up and slapping you on the back.
  • Play bow: Play bow means let’s play. Thus, it can also be a sign of apology; it’s a dog’s way of saying, “Oops. I didn’t mean to play so rough. Let’s keep playing!”
  • Rearing hind legs: When dogs rear up on their hind legs, it’s a sign of affection. It often looks like dancing.
  • Biting: Biting is also a sign that shows dogs are playing.
dog use paw to communicate
From left to right, Dog Paw slap, play bow and rearing hind legs

Barking Dogs

Barking represents different things to different dogs. Formerly, the volume of the bark will increase with the dog’s level of emotion. It depends on whether the dog is excited or in a state of anger.

dog barking to communicate
Dog barking

Do Dogs understand what we say?

As a matter of fact, dogs do not understand English or any other language that means we couldn’t specify any language to communicate with dogs. They get excited when we say “Let’s go for a run”. This also does not mean that the dog understands sentences he just associates one sound in sentence e.g run.

Therefore, by spending time with the dog a trainer can understand different signals that how to communicate with the dog and when and what signals dog gives and what that means.

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